== On the Silver Globe: From a Vintage Print Photography to a Complex Media Installation. Re-contextualisation as Preservation Strategy == [[contributors#kubickadzieduszycka|Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka]], [[contributors#domagala|Dagmara Domagała]] {{ youtube>xuBEkiAB_qI?full&start=5330&end= }} Presented at [[http://cead.space/Detail/project-news/3841|New Media Museums colloquium]] at the Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, 24 March 2022. See also the essays [[wro-2|On the Silver Globe]] by Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Dagmara Domagała and Cezary Wicher, and [[milewska|Dead Artworks as Narrators: (Re)use of Broken Artworks in the Media Art Narrative at the Exhibition //Reincarnation of Media Art// in WRO Art Center in Wrocław (2019)]] by Sonia Milewska in this volume.