{{TOC}} {{c3_homepage_1990s_mark_fridvalszki_web.jpg?nolink&600}} [[Foreword]] \\ **Barbora Kundračíková** [[Introduction]] \\ **Dušan Barok** =====Reader===== [[bauerova-en|New Conservation-Restoration of Media]] \\ [[bauerova|Nové konzervování-restaurování médií]] \\ **Zuzana Bauerová** [[frank|Special Requirements – Four Cases from the Collections of the Olomouc Museum of Art]] \\ **Jakub Frank** [[sng-2|New Media Documentation in the Slovak National Gallery]] \\ **Mária Bohumelová, Michal Čudrnák, Lucia Gregorová Stach** [[c3-2|Versions, Fragments or Inaccessible Works? Conservation Approaches to Media Art Installations and Net Art Works in the Collection of the C³ Centre for Culture & Communication Foundation]] \\ **Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene, Márk Fridvalszki** [[wro-2|On the Silver Globe: From a Vintage Print Photography to a Complex Media Installation. Re-contextualization as Preservation Strategy]] \\ **Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Dagmara Domagała, Cezary Wicher** [[milewska|Dead Artworks as Narrators: (Re)use of Broken Artworks in the Media Art Narrative at the Exhibition //Reincarnation of Media Art// in WRO Art Center in Wrocław (2019)]] \\ **Sonia Milewska** [[meixner|Preparing a Historical Exhibition of Screensavers]] \\ **Marie Meixner** [[klodner-en|Long-Term Digital Preservation in the Curation Life Cycle of Media Art]] \\ [[klodner|Dlouhodobé digitální uchovávání v kurátorském životním cyklu mediálního umění]] \\ **Michal Klodner** =====Colloquium===== [[schaeffler|Networks of Care]] \\ **Anna Schäffler** ===Case studies=== [[sng|You Can't Buy a Butterfly. New Methods for Registering Acquisitions of Intermedia Artworks at the Slovak National Gallery]] \\ **Lucia Gregorová Stach, Mária Bohumelová** [[c3|Versions or Fragmented Works? Reconstruction Issues of Media Art Installations and Net Art Works]] \\ **Anna Tüdős, Márta Czene** [[wro|On the Silver Globe: From a Vintage Print Photography to a Complex Media Installation. Re-contextualisation as Preservation Strategy]] \\ **Agnieszka Kubicka-Dzieduszycka, Dagmara Domagała** [[oma|What's lying on the shelf? – What should have been done before the acquisition and what is to be done now?]] \\ **Jakub Frank, Petr Válek** ===Museum Practices in Collecting Intermedia and Media Art=== [[wielocha|Shaping Institutional Strategies for Collecting Media Art at M+ Hong Kong]] \\ **Aga Wielocha** [[stricot|Media and Digital Art Acquisition Workflow at ZKM Karlsruhe]] \\ **Morgane Stricot** [[chang|Addressing Sustainability Issues in Time-based Media Art Collection and Preservation Strategies at the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo]] \\ **Jina Chang** [[sikorova|Collecting and Presenting Video Installations from the 1990s: a Visionary Move in the 90s, Essential Today. The First Museum of Intermedia and the Collection of Intermedia Art in The Museum of Art Žilina]] \\ **Miroslava Sikorová** [[skopalova|Nm 1-001 - Nm 458: The Youngest Collection at National Gallery Prague]] \\ **Eva Skopalová** ===Archiving Video Art and Moving Image=== [[nfa|NFA Video Archive: Collection Access and Sustainability Through Collaboration]] \\ **Markéta Jonášová, Michal Klodner, Matĕj Strnad** [[seiser|The Activities and History of the n.b.k. Video-Forum since 1971]] \\ **Anna Lena Seiser** [[oppoyen|Videokunstarkivet: the Norwegian Video Art Archive, the First Ten Years]] \\ **Håvard Oppøyen** [[wysocka|Exhibiting Practices of Archival Film Materials in Non-cinema Environments]] \\ **Elżbieta Wysocka** [[paf|Reading the PAF]] \\ **Martin Mazanec, Nela Klajbanová** [[drajsajtlova|Vasulka Digital Archive]] \\ **Kateřina Drajsajtlová** ===Discussion=== [[Roundtable]] \\ **Dušan Barok (moderation), Jina Chang, Jakub Frank, Jitka Hlaváčková, Martin Mazanec, Sylva Poláková, Anna Lena Seiser, Eva Skopalová, Matĕj Strnad, Anna Tüdős, Aga Wielocha, Elżbieta Wysocka** =====Workshop===== [[workshop|Video documentary]] \\ [[Contributors]] [[https://newmediamuseums.multiplace.org/doku.php?do=search&q=discussion|Search]] [[Colophon]] ~~NOTOC~~