== NFA Video Archive: Collection Access and Sustainability Through Collaboration == [[contributors#jonasova|Markéta Jonášová]], [[contributors#klodner|Michal Klodner]], [[contributors#strnad|Matĕj Strnad]] {{ youtube>IbQ2C2R7LGA?full&start=17&end=2763 }} Presented at [[http://cead.space/Detail/project-news/3841|New Media Museums colloquium]] at the Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc, 25 March 2022. See also Michal Klodner's essay [[klodner-en|Long-Term Digital Preservation in the Curation Life Cycle of Media Art]] (or in the original Czech version, [[klodner|Dlouhodobé digitální uchovávání v kurátorském životním cyklu mediálního umění]]) in this volume.